Once upon a time, before the days of my apprenticeship in a CA firm, there was a period of 20 years when I was not known for my travelling schedules. I was just another CA hopeful trying to cope with the 3 year long CA articleship. But this blog is not about my adventures of articleship days; those days are long over for me. However, that being said, being a professional, I may add as a disclaimer that some of my articleship day adventures may find its way to these chronicles of the lonely traveler.
Over the past one year I have been traveling. Now, it seems that my lifestyle is not going to change for another year. so there I was, watching the everyday life of a village somewhere in India through the dusty glass windows of a railway coach, wondering about my destination and lost in thoughts. Sometime in the afternoon, my mobile rang and it was my friend. She was asking where I was heading next and I had to brief her: women!! Anyway, she was the one who told me to write about it. Few months passed bye, and I still was not bold enough to do it. Finally, on a day without my laptop, (the account of events which lead to the laptop-less day will someday be posted here), suffocated by the loneliness of the hotel room, decided to do it.
The decision was made. Now the blog needed a name. Since the blog is all about (though not limited to) my present lifestyle as traveler, a lonely traveler, the title was fixed...oh, u already know it, so why to repeat?
So that concludes the prologue.