I had previously posted about the really bad service by Tata Docomo and unfair trade practices adopted by them. Since the so called customer care reps were unable to resolve the issued, I decided to give the 'Appellate Authority' a try before initiating legal proceedings. I am happy to report that after more than 20 days, the issue has been resolved and the bonus 3G data was credited to my account. The email trail is given below:
Complaint registered as PSMR12002047 still unresolved Mob No 9633XXXXXX 5 messages |
Ranjith Jayadevan <rjwarrier@gmail.com> | 29 June 2012 15:52 |
To: appellate.kerala@tatadocomo.com |
Affected mobile number is 9633XXXXXX
on last monday (18th). I got a push notification in mobile advertising that if i recharge with RC39, I will get 500MB of data. I did the recharge and all I go was 50MB. When I called the customer care (121), the rep informed that balance 450MB will be creditted within 48 Hours. It was not credited after 48 Hrs. I contacted customer care via chat and complaint was registered as complaint number PSMR12002047 with resolution date is 27-JUN-2012 13:04:18.
On 22nd I received a call from a customer rep and I had to repaeat the entire episode to him. After that I didnt get any response from Tata Docomo and decided to wait till 27-June-12. On 27th, I contacted them again (via chat) and the customer care rep informed that the complaint is still in open status and that it will be resolved in 24 hours. That evening I tried contacting them via 121 and I kept getting the message that 'All customer care reps are busy'. After a few tries I gave it up. Yesterday evening (28th) I tried again and got through. The rep told me to hold the line while they verify the details. I waited for more than 5 minutes and then the call was disconnected from their end. After that whenever I tried to contact 121, I kept getting the message that 'All customer care reps are busy'. So I checked the site and called the number 18602665555 (Customer care for State of Kerala). I was able to get in touch with a rep and dutifully the rep transferred the call to a 'Senior Executiver'. The Senior Fellow informed that the notification I received about the scheme is actually not available to general public and that it is a restricted scheme. As per the Executive, I was supposed to contact customer care before recharging to confirm the validity of the scheme though nothing of that sort was mentioned in the notification I received (See Image Above). Hence, I was not eligible for the extra data.
I want an answer to these questions: - When a notification is pushed to customers without any information about the scheme being restricted, Do you really think any customer will contact the customer care to enquire about the scheme? The language in the message was such that the reader will believe the particular scheme is general. This is nothing but misleading the customer.
- Since you dont divulge to which numbers the scheme is applicable, Is there any way to confirm your claim that the scheme is in fact in force? For all I know, you may repeating the same response I got to everyone who does the recharge.
- If it was a restricted the scheme, they why the first customer care rep and the rep I contacted via Chat didnt inform me the fact? First one informed that balance will be credited within 48 hrs and second one registered a complaint.
- I still havent received any mail or SMS informing about the status of the complaint PSMR12002047. Where did that go?
- When will you stop pushing misleading information to public and thus cheating them?
For further details check my blog posts at www.blog.ranjithj.in
regards Ranjith Jayadevan
 visit: www.ranjithj.in |
appellate kerala <appellate.kerala@tatadocomo.com> | 3 July 2012 16:57 |
To: Ranjith Jayadevan <rjwarrier@gmail.com> |
Dear Mr Ranjith, Thank you for sharing your concern with us We would like to inform you that we are cross checking your issue and will revert to you soon Warm Regards, Vinusha KV Appellate Office Tata Docomo Kerala From: Ranjith Jayadevan [mailto:rjwarrier@gmail.com] Sent: 29 June 2012 15:53 To: appellate kerala Subject: Complaint registered as PSMR12002047 still unresolved Mob No 9633XXXXXX [Quoted text hidden] |
Ranjith Jayadevan <rjwarrier@gmail.com> | 3 July 2012 17:03 |
To: appellate kerala <appellate.kerala@tatadocomo.com> |
Kindly define the term 'soon' in " issue and will revert to you soon". I cant wait for an eternity hoping to " revert to me soon" regards Ranjith Jayadevan
 visit: www.ranjithj.in |
appellate kerala <appellate.kerala@tatadocomo.com> | 4 July 2012 15:54 |
To: Ranjith Jayadevan <rjwarrier@gmail.com> |
Dear Mr Ranjith, Thank you for writing to us We would like to inform you that it was due to technical error that your promotional balance was not got credited Same is been credited to your account now. Do revert to us for any queries Warm Regards, Vinusha KV Appellate Office Tata Docomo Kerala From: appellate kerala Sent: 03 July 2012 16:58 To: 'Ranjith Jayadevan' Subject: RE: Complaint registered as PSMR12002047 still unresolved Mob No 9633XXXXXX [Quoted text hidden] |
Ranjith Jayadevan <rjwarrier@gmail.com> | 4 July 2012 16:44 |
To: appellate kerala <appellate.kerala@tatadocomo.com> |
As of now, no extra data balance has been credited to my account. Current balance in my account is on account of recharging with RC 246+RC4 Combo.
regards Ranjith Jayadevan  visit: www.ranjithj.in
The data was credited finally on 6th (today)